Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The last cleaning hurrah!

The Road took a bend on November 7, 2013.  It was then that the routine mammogram turned into a diagnostic one, followed by an ultrasound, followed by a rather unpleasant biopsy.  On November 11th I contacted my friend who happens to be my primary physician and asked, as is customary, "How are you?"  Her response, although not unexpected, was not what I wanted to hear.  "Better than you are," she kindly responded.

Now over two months later and many procedures and tests to determine the extent of the disease it is clear that the ER/PR positive and HER2/neu positive breast cancer needed attending to.  The wonderful folks at Mayo strongly recommended neoadjuvant (before surgery) therapy due to a new promising drug and regimen recently approved by the FDA for neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancers like mine.  But getting "sick" around the holidays is a scheduling nightmare... and so finally the day has arrived.

Tommorow, at 8:15 am I am scheduled to have my port placed.  Tuesday I start the "systemic therapy".

But today... well today I'm cleaning. The cold gray skies look grayer than they should.  Something about dust and dirt on window panes.  The only bathroom in our small humble abode needs scrubbing from the ceiling to the floor. It's even a day to attack the dreaded medicine cabinet.  Ha!  Out with you dirt and grime!  So scrub, scrape, rinse, sweep, mop, declutter, replace, toss out....ah...oops.... the nail trimmer went down the drain.... "Honey???"

Apparently I will be kind of sore tomorrow after the port placement and then for several days thereafter.  And I am supposed to take it "easy".  No overhead reaching or strenuous exercise.  Can't wash the ceiling without doing that - A perfect reason then to clean like crazy today.

It helps distract my mind from anxious thoughts.  And perhaps I will be very tired... to sleep when bedtime arrives....

"Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7) 

Today's Journey Joys: Shiny white tile, blow dry window insulation, red-bellied woodpecker on suet, school in session, quiet thoughts, sparkling sink, blueberry tea, and cuddling girl.


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...