Friday, April 16, 2010

Time Passes Quickly

Forgive me my friends.... time passes so quickly and I am currently caught up in the scurry of spring activity. I planted those 650 flower plugs and they are growing ever so beautifully downstairs in the growing center my hardworking husband built for me. The tomatoes, peppers, cone flowers and rudbeckia are also growing. Squash, melons and cucumber starters for early production have sprouted and are stretching their thick necks as they spread out their two new green massive arms. Opening from sprouts in a posture of praise.....

We've been weeding blueberries for over a month now. A few hours here and a few hours there. But last year the weeds overwhelmed us and I left them standing in the field. Tactical error. Now the new weeds and the old weeds need to come out. Thankfully I have only discovered 2 out of the 1200 blueberry plants that didn't survive. They are close to flowering and I have half the field yet to go. One weed at a time.....

Radishes, beets, spinach, kohlrabi, green onions and purple royal beans are planted. And during the past week we planted over 1600 onion plants, 250 leeks and 1800 potato seeds. All by hand. Although once again my wonderful creative husband came up with an onion planting stamp. It made planting those onions much easier by just placing them in the premade hole that his "stamp" made.

We also planted 34 fruit trees across the road.... Sweet and pie cherries, peaches, plums, pears, nectarines, apples, and peentos.

And in between those times we have been taping drywall (1500 sq ft), working (oh, yeah.... that tiny detail called making a living!), and assisting in the organization of the Easter Resurrection celebrations at church.

Spring has sprung and the pace of life hastens. The exhilaration of joy and beauty fill me.

Breathe it in.

Savor it.

Taste it.

Respond in kind....

"Opening their arms in a posture of praise...."


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...