Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Farmer's Market

Last weekend was the best Farmer's Market I have had all year. I was so excited! I felt like a little girl.... looking and longing to experience everything. I couldn't stop smiling! My friend Stacy (and her family) came by and thankfully captured some of the beauty with her camera.

It was a lovely 85 degrees day... sunny with a slight breeze. I brought the most variety I have ever brought. I felt like a real farmer. The colors were so beautiful. Yellows, reds, greens, purples, white. Oh the splendor!

Stonehead cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, cheddar cauliflower, and broccoli spears.... Organically grown. Because they were so fresh, I enjoyed their fragrant aroma every time I walked near.

Acorn squash, sugar pie pumpkins, goofy gourds and Mirai sweet corn.... The sweet corn permeated the area with images and aromas of the most delicious corn on the cob. I kept finding myself taking deeps breaths by the corn. There is something about fresh picked corn.

The spread also included pickling cucumbers, burpless cucumbers, rocambole garlic, purple (red) onions and yellow storage onions, green sweet peppers, snack 'em peppers, Yukon gold potatoes along with a couple of Kennebec potatoes. Chiogga beets (the ones that look like a target when sliced) and regular purple beets (called "red cloud") packed in gallon bags. Green and purple string beans, spaghetti squash, yellow and zucchini summer squash, and a few tomatoes finished out my table.

I spread out my plaid bed sheet, put up my sign, and marveled at the assortment and quantity of the garden's bounty. "Beacon Woods"... our dream of a fruit and vegetable farm (and wood working shop).... the glimpse of a fantasy coming true. It was as I imagined it. Abundant, full, beautiful....
Often my dreams or visions of reality do not come to fruition (please, no pun intended). I often can close my eyes and "see" what I envision. But then, I open them and the view of reality is quite different. Sometimes I am defeated. Usually not. I keep pressing on. Knowing that dreams take time, energy, passion.... and vision.
I wish I were a poet.... Able to pen thoughts and feelings in a creative and artistic way. I feel a song brewing....
Rejoice with me today. God has blessed the work of our hands. Thank You Lord!

Today's Journey Joy - Glimpses of a dream


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...