Thursday, January 23, 2014

No school today

A sunny and bright -1 degree Fahrenheit
"Ring!!!" "Ring!!!"  "Huh?....what?" I stammer as I awake to the phone's ringing.  It's ten minutes to 11 o'clock and I've been asleep for about 20 minutes.  "Due to the severe cold and wind chills forecasted for tomorrow, school is cancelled...."


No, really.  Both schools cancelled means that I need not stir out of this cozy warm bed until I wake up or nature calls.  A sleep-in type of morning.  And a good one at that.

So 7:45 am rolls around and I'm neither awoken by having slept enough or having a full bladder.  But rather this nagging, churning, rumbling sensation in my tummy.  "Uh, oh.... 2 hours past when I should have had the anti-nausea medicine....ugh."  First things first.... find the ondansetron.  Then the bathroom.

Thankfully no hurling.  Just a little, well, shall I say, gurgling?  A strawberry banana yogurt breakfast, some coffee, and then a shower.  Still feeling tired but thankful for no obligations, car drives, or appointments today.  A day to rest I believe. Quiet.  Sleepy day.

It is sunny and bright.  And crisp.  Spring feels a long way away..... the hoop house resting as well.

Today's Journey Joys: bright blue sky, Frosty meowing and loving on me, birds thieving the cat food, smoke from the wood burning furnace, quiet children, faithful hardworking husband, friendly words.


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...