Thursday, June 10, 2010

Garlic Scapes

These strange looking curly things are garlic scapes. This is not my photo.... I forgot to take a picture before I cut them all off. But this photo looked so similar to my garlic garden that I figured it would suffice. I don't have that cute little white house in the background though......

Garlic scapes are the flower portion of the stiffneck garlic. If left to mature the flower would be quite similar to the flower of the onion. But alas, the garlic bulb left in the ground would be teeny. The energy needed to produce large delicious stiffneck garlic bulbs is put into making the flower if the scape is left. So every year, about this time of year, I go through my garlic and cut off these bizarre looking flowers. Last year I threw them in the compost. A waste I discovered. Apparently, one can cook with these edible delights.

I found this recipe which looks interesting: "Raw Scape Pesto"

1/2 pound of scapes cut into one inch pieces
1 1/2 cups olive oil
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese

In a blender add scapes and oil. Pour mixture into bowl and add cheese by hand. Can be used in any way that traditional pesto is used. Also the recipe makers suggest using a couple tablespoons as a substitute for the oil in the bread of garlic bread.

Yesterday, I took some of these to the Farmers Market. Out of all the people that walked by only two people knew what they were. I did convince a couple of people to give them a try. I will take the rest of the scapes to the market on Saturday. If nothing else it sure does generate a lot of interest.

Garden update - the potatoes are flowering well. Blueberries are ripening (should be able to take some to the market this weekend, snow peas are forming, purple beans are flowering, black raspberries are forming).

Today's Journey Joy - fun flowers


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...