Wednesday, June 23, 2010

15 out of 23

For fifteen of the past twenty three days it has been raining.  Sometimes torrentially... sometimes constantly... sometimes in a slow drizzle.  Much of the weather has been accompanied by lightening, winds, and thunder.  The ground is saturated.  My boots sink up to my ankles when I step.  Only those areas that have received enough grass mulch are passable.  And that means only the potatoes.  But they do seem to be happy.
I am looking forward to the day when I can uncover the mulch and gently push my potato fork into the soil.  What will I find?  In just a few more weeks I should know. 

The flowers continue to bloom.... even through the rain.  Rows and rows of white and lavender.  The buzz of the bumble bee occasionally heard.  And thankfully, no sign of the nasty potato beetle.

Yes, it is raining again today.  I have decided not to go to the Wednesday market.  The forecast is for thunderstorms yet again and the radar supports that prediction.  So the blueberries, heavy in ripeness, will have to remain one more day.  Thursday and Friday will be filled with frantic picking.  I must get the berries off the plants before they over-ripen. 

Today I ordered 800 new blueberry plants for next spring's planting.  The new planting will be made up of Patriot, Blueray, and Chandler.  This will allow us to length the blueberry season somewhat and have more blueberries for fresh eating.  I have found that Reka is very productive and extremely yummy for processing.  But it has an occasional "twang" factor that I have found unpleasant at times.  Perhaps I need to add something to the soil to make it "sweeter".  I'll do some investigating.  But our Patriot is definitely delicious and Northland is as well....although this variety has smaller berries in general.  Good for baking in muffins.

And speaking of blueberry muffins.... that's sounds like a fun rainy day adventure. 

Today's Journey Joy - blooming through the rain


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...