Monday, June 28, 2010

It's nice to share

This spring we had two momma cats have kittens.  Zilchie had six fluffy little ones.  Three are mostly white and three are mostly gray.  And Tabby Girl had five kittens.  This was her first litter of kittens.  When she was just a kitten last summer she would let the bigger kittens nurse on her.  She so wanted to be a mommy cat.  The kittens didn't get any milk but everyone seemed happy.

When Tabby Girl had her kittens in the garage she was so proud.  Two mostly white, one mostly black and one that was black and white (reminds me of a cow!).  She nursed them and cared for them wonderfully.  But she was too trusting.  She wouldn't protect them from the other cats.  And so we basically locked her and the new ones in the garage. (Even displaced the Gator).  But last week we decided that the little ones were old enough to be recognized as kittens and not little mice.  So out they came.  Unfortunately, the mostly black one, who was the most adventurous, somehow got hurt and died.  So Tabby Girl only had four kittens left.  But that was no problem for Tabby Girl.  She simply "adopted" some of Zilchie's six kittens.  She'll nurse all ten of them.... and later Zilchie will be nursing all ten of them.  Well "nursing" might be a stretch.  I don't think that is physically possible.  But they all do try and snuggle and get some milk and love.  It's amazing seeing all those fluffy beautiful little kittens with one momma cat.  I didn't know cats "shared" nursing responsibilities.  We had kittens on our small farm growing up but I do not remember any cat being an "auntie".

Tabby Girl and Zilchie remind me that I can't do "mommying" alone.  Sometimes I need help.  I am so very grateful for friends who encourage me and come along side and help me.  Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." 

When I need strength for my parenting responsibilities today or see someone who needs help.... may I be the "auntie" who shares and comes alongside.  It's nice to share.

Today's Journey Joy - Sharing responsibilities


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...