Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fish in the sky?

This spring and early summer have been filled with gray skies, rainy days,thunder, lightening and wind.  Our gardens are filled with grass and weeds.  The tiller cannot get into the field.  My ankles sink deep.

Can fish fly? 

But the past five days have been filled with sunshine, dry air and cooler temperatures.  The soaked soil is drying and actually cracking in some places.  Today the tiller attacks the garden.  But unfortunately the mower will have to go first.  That's how bad it is.

I almost succumbed to chemicals.

How can I keep all these weeds out of the gardens?  They grow prolifically and choke the growth of the vegetables.  They harbor diseases and insects.  They have deep roots.  But there are only so many hours in a day.  And my forty-seven year old muscles can only pull so many weeds with my hoe and bent shoulders.

If this bluegill-looking fish can fly..... perhaps I can get some crops to grow organically.......

Well, I'll just do my best... because fish do not fly, and weeds don't jump out of the field by themselves, and vegetables need space to grow.  As do I.

Today's Journey Joy - reality check


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...