Tuesday, July 27, 2010


In the busy-ness of summer it is refreshing to ponder.  To peer into the delicate lacework of so-called weeds.  The tiny white blooms of the wild carrot.  They decorate our unmowed fields in a carpet.  Without planting, without tending, without fertilizing, these beauties aspire to greatness.  And they achieve it.  Buzzing with various insects.  Highlighting other more colorful blooms.  A backdrop to the reds, blues, oranges, violet, and summer yellows.

Growing where much does not flourish. Chicory opens when the beams of golden sunshine warm their petals.  Rain and dark skies keep these jewels hidden. Yet, they too, speckle our farm with beauty.  Another so-called weed bringing color and beauty to the fields.

Wildflowers.  Blooming where they are.  Content and flourishing in their environment. 

Do they say, "I wish I had that great soil over here"?  "When I have more room (perhaps referring to time) I will bloom in plenty"? 

But I often do.  Hesitating to bloom.  Struggling against the other weeds instead of thriving where I am.  Forgetting that contentment is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

In my wildness of a day, filled with competing priorities and tasks, may I continue to bloom in whatever color and size my Creator designed me to be.

Today's Journey Joy - Wild blooms 


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...