Monday, July 19, 2010

July's Garden Adventures

Sugar Baby Pumpkins for pumpkin pie making.

It's garlic powder makin' time.

Rocambole "Music" Garlic.

Pumpkin Blooms

The sweet corn ripening in the field drifts an aroma of delight and anticipation.  It fills my olfactory sense with delight and reminds me of summer's past.  Childhood festivals.  Family reunions.  Bubbling water on the stove.  Butter oozing through the stack of hot corn.  Stripping husks and peeling silk.  Salt... just enough.  Faces full of corn pieces and buttery fingers and cheeks. Finger licking and full tummies.

The cherry and grape tomatoes remain hard and green.  But promise of yellow, golden and red delights are in the future.  Picking jewels of sweetness from the vines.  Almost as good as berries.

Blackberries ripening. Juicy, sweet and yummy.

And yellow string beans.  Lost in the weeds and yet bearing beautifully. Exceptionally colorful.

Today's Journey Joy - July's harvest


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...