I am tired today. Physically. Some of it has to do with the very warm temperatures. Better than yesterday, it is only 86 degrees today (so far). I have been trying to find my corn among the mass of grass surrounding them. I am succeeding but the process is long (and so are the rows!). Another reason I am tired is that I am a little overwhelmed. So much to do. And only so much time and energy to do it all in. (I am currently taking a break from being outside...very pleasant).
Laundry, folding, ironing, dishes, scrubbing, floors, bee boxes, priming & painting, supering and checking the hives, weeding, weeding, and weeding, picking berries, teaching, parenting, supervising, morning & evening chores of chickens, kittens, puppies, and baby cockerels. Bills, paperwork, marketing, sign building and painting, web designing, business cards, dinner, showers, grocery shopping, piano lessons, library day, chatting, summer schooling, Farmer's Market and more....
I remind myself: how does one accomplish a great task? One step at a time. So I persevere and press on. Enjoying the quiet time of birds singing, bees buzzing, flies whizzing and butterflies drifting lazily as I weed. Enjoying and rejoicing in my son who gently and lovingly teaches his sister with Down Syndrome about reading and games. Enjoying watching and interacting with the "things of nature". How amazing the process of life is.
Yesterday, I threw some of the last of the strawberries to the new chickens. Earlier this year the third grade class borrowed our 42 egg incubator and Mrs. Schafer brought eggs from her sister's farm. The eggs were an assortment of brown, white, and green eggs. And we certainly got an assortment of chickens from them. I think about 75% hatched. About a 50/50 ratio between boys and girls. The little hens are with the older hens in the "big house" while the cockerels are still in a smaller pen in the garage. I do not want to mix them. I am hoping to try caponizing again this weekend. Hopefully it will go better than the last time. In the meantime, it is fun seeing the new colors to our flock.
Today's Journey Joy: Growing
There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this. Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration. Yet ...
Steamy, sticky, muggy and hot August is the usual weather here in Western Illinois, but this year it has been dry and moderate, mostly in...
Brrr ... the temperature is plummeting . Winter has arrived. The thermometer fell at 5:24 pm this evening. Throughout the day it was a balm...
Teri's tan minivan crunches its way up the snow ice driveway precisely at 9:45. She is my chauffeur. "Are you ready for this?...