Monday, June 22, 2009


It is toasty warm today... 90 degrees as I write. The humidity must be up there as well. Sticky hot. King Two-Toes, our kind and faithful Buff Orpington Rooster is staying cool in the Virginia Creeper vine. He is a good rooster. He has never threatened anyone. Calls his girls home in a timely manner. Hops to their aid when they need him.

We had thought about replacing King Two-Toes. (Although I keep calling him, "Mr. Two-Toes".) We even purchased some baby cockerels. But I've changed my mind. He doesn't seem to be suffering in his condition (two toes on one foot and the other foot can't bear much weight...hence the hopping). He is alert, active and friendly. My kind of rooster. He won't quite let us pet him, but he is still kind.

Sometimes a disability is an asset. Sometimes.... events or "problems" or concerns have a way of teaching... or helping to grow... grow in a way that is new, unforeseen, even unwanted. A kind of pruning. Lord, help me to embrace life's new adventures.... even when they are not my will. Help me to see and experience life in Your plan.

Today's Journey Joy: Embracing Rooster different - ability


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...