Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cats, Cats, and more Cats

We love cats. They are affectionate, independent, entertaining, and very effective at eliminating mice, moles and voles, and bunnies from around the farm. I have only seen two bunny rabbits all spring and summer (and who knows? Maybe it was the same bunny). I haven't seen any of those nasty telltale signs of moles. Our cats are wonderful.

Recently, our mama cat had kittens. Five of them. They are so fun to watch. Their curiosity and playfulness makes me smile. They embrace life. They enjoy it. They explore it. Oh, so good for my heart and soul. If only I would be more like a kitten.

Today, a friend of my husband is bringing us more cats from the city. Apparently her family has "adopted" every stray cat in the neighborhood. And then they had kittens too. "Enough is enough," she said (or at least that is what I imagine she said). So the crew of cats is coming to the farm. When I asked my husband how many she was bringing... well, apparently "a lot" was the response. "This could be interesting," I said. My son will have to expand his naming business.
I'm glad we have a place for cats to run and play.
A farm cat's life may be shorter than a city cat living in a home. But, the farm cat enjoys life in a cat's sense. Chasing, hunting, and interacting in nature and each other. Our cats and kittens are a blessing to us. They love us and are affectionate toward us. We smile and laugh when they do their funny antics. And we are sad, very sad, when they succumb to the life cycle of farm life. I am grateful for their life and their service on our fruit and vegetable farm.
Today's Journey Joy: Laughing with the kittens


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...