There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Laundry, folding, ironing, dishes, scrubbing, floors, bee boxes, priming & painting, supering and checking the hives, weeding, weeding, and weeding, picking berries, teaching, parenting, supervising, morning & evening chores of chickens, kittens, puppies, and baby cockerels. Bills, paperwork, marketing, sign building and painting, web designing, business cards, dinner, showers, grocery shopping, piano lessons, library day, chatting, summer schooling, Farmer's Market and more....
I remind myself: how does one accomplish a great task? One step at a time. So I persevere and press on. Enjoying the quiet time of birds singing, bees buzzing, flies whizzing and butterflies drifting lazily as I weed. Enjoying and rejoicing in my son who gently and lovingly teaches his sister with Down Syndrome about reading and games. Enjoying watching and interacting with the "things of nature". How amazing the process of life is.
Yesterday, I threw some of the last of the strawberries to the new chickens. Earlier this year the third grade class borrowed our 42 egg incubator and Mrs. Schafer brought eggs from her sister's farm. The eggs were an assortment of brown, white, and green eggs. And we certainly got an assortment of chickens from them. I think about 75% hatched. About a 50/50 ratio between boys and girls. The little hens are with the older hens in the "big house" while the cockerels are still in a smaller pen in the garage. I do not want to mix them. I am hoping to try caponizing again this weekend. Hopefully it will go better than the last time. In the meantime, it is fun seeing the new colors to our flock.
Today's Journey Joy: Growing
Monday, June 22, 2009
We had thought about replacing King Two-Toes. (Although I keep calling him, "Mr. Two-Toes".) We even purchased some baby cockerels. But I've changed my mind. He doesn't seem to be suffering in his condition (two toes on one foot and the other foot can't bear much weight...hence the hopping). He is alert, active and friendly. My kind of rooster. He won't quite let us pet him, but he is still kind.
Sometimes a disability is an asset. Sometimes.... events or "problems" or concerns have a way of teaching... or helping to grow... grow in a way that is new, unforeseen, even unwanted. A kind of pruning. Lord, help me to embrace life's new adventures.... even when they are not my will. Help me to see and experience life in Your plan.
Today's Journey Joy: Embracing Rooster different - ability
Saturday, June 20, 2009
~Garden vegetables surviving the storm.
~Strawberries selling well. And tasting great!
~Raspberries starting to ripen.
~Becoming more comfortable as a vendor at the Farmer's Market.
~A husband that serves and serves and loves and loves. He is remarkable.
~Lawn tractors mowing 2 acres of grass. New tractors with a replaced slip clutch mowing 5 foot high grass.
~Bees making honey.
~Potatoes flowering.
~Alpha birthing two kittens. And they look just like her. Right down to the gray spot on her white head. Alpha-1 and Alpha-2?
~Baby hens adapting to their new home with the big hens.
~King Two-toes hopping much better.
~Warm and long showers with lots of soap and suds.
~Weeds, weeds, weeds, weeds...did I mention weeds? I really can grow something! ☺
~Making Gator trails and fun rides with the family.
~Company coming over. My house is a mess. I am learning to embrace it and have people over anyway. Strange... they are coming over tomorrow and I spend the day mowing... "so that it will look nice". But my kitchen floor still needs mopping (scrubbing?) and supper hasn't even started. But home is for sharing. And I am looking forward to their visit (all dozen-or-so of them!)
Life is full. Life is good. God has blessed.
Thank You, God!
Today's Journey Joy - The Journey
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This morning my wonderful husband took six quarts to work to sell. (For those interested, we sell our strawberries at $4/quart and they are always less than 24 hours old.) I still had seven pints from yesterday picked. And before the rains came mid morning Ben and I picked the Jewel row again. We (well, more like I) picked four more quarts. What to do with that many strawberries? I could freeze them for future strawberry desserts or make jam out of them or squish them up and top ice cream with them ( a very scrumptious thing to do!). But recently while I was slicing some for my breakfast cereal I remembered that I purchased a super food dehydrator last year. So I've been dehydrating my extra strawberries.
At first I was slicing them individually by hand. Painstakingly slow. Sort of fun, but when there are a couple of gallons of strawberries to slice that gets a little tedious. My resourceful husband to the rescue again. He suggested trying the egg slicer. It has very thin metal wires that perfectly slices a hard boiled egg into picturesque egg slices. Why not try it on the strawberries? At first I was reluctant. I figured it would just make mush out of my beautiful strawberries. But after two or so strawberries sliced perfectly I realized that the job of slicing would be a cinch. And with Ben helping me, we sliced up those strawberries, placed them on the racks, and set them in the dehydrator in no time at all.
Now the house is filled with the yummy sweet aroma of strawberries. In about 10 hours of dehydrating time the strawberries will dry down into crunchy, sort of leathery, strawberries that I will place in canning quart jars and seal tightly. They should be good for several months. I can see them on top of cereal, granola, in salads and the like. Yum!
Today's Journey Joy: strawberries
Monday, June 15, 2009
"Ally's Blog Post"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
John Deere 3720 Blessings
After looking over all the options we decided that a 3720 would meet or exceed our needs. We have found in the past few years that we tend to run a machine to its limits. So hopefully this new tractor will be able to run the farm. We got a new (bigger, faster, stronger) rototiller, a broom (to sweep snow and grass) and.... the best part (for my husband who gets a twinkle in his eye just talking about it)... a grapple bucket. Check this out:
The tractor will need more weight in its tires. We are thinking about foaming the back wheels. That should help.
We also had fun seeing how the rototiller worked. It was amazing. It really pulverized the dirt. Even though the soil was pretty wet with 1/2 inch of rain last night. I was pretty impressed. I can hardly wait to till the rest of the popcorn and sweet corn fields so I can plant the last plantings.
The other journey joy is that my resourceful husband believes that he can make the old 2210 work... maybe not like new, but at least functional.
Today's Journey Joy: Tractor blessings
Friday, June 12, 2009
Green and Yellow
It came today! We got the new John Deere Gator. It's a 620i 4x4 XUV series with all sorts of fun stuff on it. I've been wanting one for quite some time. Just imagine what I can do with it. It has an electric dump too. My husband also put a front cargo rack so I can haul even more stuff. Of course I had to try it out as soon as it came. So the whole family jumped in and we went four wheeling. Max, the wonderful sales guy from John Deere, said I could go through anything. So we decided to go through the marsh with grass growing over five feet tall. Pollen and stuff was flying everywhere. Check this video out:
Doesn't that look like fun?
Today's Journey Joy: Journeying joyfully in the Gator
Monday, June 8, 2009
Another swarming day
Because the last one got away while I was preparing their site, I quickly decided that I could get this swarm all by myself. Waiting five hours until my husband got home was not ideal. They could fly away too. I've never gotten a swarm without my husband's assistance (ok, he gets the swarm with my assistance). But today I was determined.
I grabbed a six foot rickety wooden ladder from the garage, my five gallon bucket, the big and little loppers and some honey. When I got to the tree where the swarm was I realized that 10 feet high is a long way up when you only have a six foot ladder. Ah.... a challenge. Isn't that what everyone wants on a Monday afternoon?
Well, I snipped the branches that were in my way, climbed to the next to the top step (yes, the one above the step that says "do not stand or sit on or above this step"), and bonked the majority of the swarm into the bucket. I got about 75% of the swarm. The rest were not pleased with my acrobatics. But while they were buzzing around trying to find the culprit who disrupted their cozy formation, I walked the bucket of bees to their new location (the one I had gotten ready for a previous swarm). I "gently" dumped the bees into their new home, squirted some honey on the hives and watched them line up on both sides of the honey in neat little rows. I wish I had brought my camera.
I went back to the branch several more times. Each time I would get a few more bees. Eventually a double fist-full of bees decided that they would return to the parent hive and abandoned this swarm. That's alright.... the swarm will be big enough.
I checked a few minutes ago and the new bees seem to be reoriented to the new box and are busy bringing pollen and nectar in to make more bees. They will be busy. I had no drawn out comb for these girls. But they will be safe and dry. I wonder if they swarmed yesterday. We had a great big rain and storm last night. No wonder they weren't too happy. But rest assured. All is well now.
Today's Journey Joy: Hiving a swarm all by myself
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The one that got away
Well the new branch was lower. Yeah! We could get it. So I started making a level area for the new hive and in a different location. It probably took me about 20 minutes. Getting the ground level but slightly inclined forward... About 1 minute before I was done I heard the familiar sound. Yes, you guessed it. The humming and buzzing of thousands of bees flying. My swarm was swarming! Ah!!! Try, as I could, I attempted to chase them. They flew high into the sky and went north. Within 5 minutes they were out of my view. I hope they found a safe, dry place to live. It was the first swarm that got away.
But good news prevails. At the same time as we were retrieving the swarm with the bucket (or at least attempting to retrieve it) another swarm settled next to this swarm. Just out of reach again but somehow the bonking technique got the queen. We got a bunch of bees, put them in the box, closed the lid, and walked away. They are happy and buzzing today.
Four swarms; three caught. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will put more honey supers on 2 or 3 of the hives. Next weekend (or perhaps the following) we will harvest the spring honey. I can hardly wait. My mouth is watering just thinking of that golden sweetness.
Today's Journey Joy: chasing swarms
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Another Swarm...Way Up High
I've never attempted a swarm collection in this fashion. I'll have to report again on whether it was successful. In the meantime I set up a nuc with lemongrass oil, drawn out frames, and a little honey near the garage. Maybe the bee scouts (no, not boy scouts) will find it and fly the group to it.
Today's Journey Joy: attempting new swarm collections
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
But she does have a warm, embracing, accepting and loving way about her. I mean, look at that smile. How can you not smile back? Meet my friend. I am blessed.
I am blessed to have a friend who holds her relationship with Christ, with her husband and with her children in the forefront of life. Her words are thoughtful, encouraging, gentle, and penetrating. Who could ask for a better friend? She is creative in ways that I have not been gifted. She is a strong prayful woman....often reminding me of the impossible woman. You know, the Proverbs 31 lady. She can do it all. And she does it all well. Isn't it great to be able to rub shoulders with someone like her? Indeed, I am a blessed woman to have Stacy as my friend.
Today's Journey Joy: friends
Monday, June 1, 2009
Humming Tree...Bzzzzzzzz
Some years the tulips are "drowned" in the spring rains. They bloom for about one week and so, if it is the week where there is a lot of rain, the nectar in the flower is washed out or at least diluted.
But this year the rains have yet to ruin the flowers. And hence, the tree is a-buzz. A-buzz with happy, busy, honey-making, beautiful bees. You can stand under the tree and hear the humming. It is a low pitched, constant humming. In fact, my son, standing under the tree yesterday said, "It sounds like a whole hive up there!" Well, he's probably close to right. I would guess there are representatives from all of our ten hives up there.
It is predicted to rain tonight. And rain hard. Storms might even come. I sure hope the bees are working hard. The banquet table will be empty by morning.
Today's Journey Joy: listening to the humming of bees
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