There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." John 12:24
This spring, (or should I say early summer) when I finally planted the big garden, I didn't know if I had gotten the sweet corn in soon enough. It was the third week of June when my husband and son tilled the soil and made furrows. The corn was planted by hand three feet apart in 50 foot rows . This year we planted 10 rows of "luscious" corn - a supersweet tricolored sweet corn. It seemed to grow very well and soon seemed to be tassling and making corn. Two weeks ago we started getting some of the "early" maturers... yummy! But then this past weekend, as if the corn knew fall was fast approaching, all of the corn became ripe. On Saturday, I picked and shucked, blanched and cooled, cut and finally scooped 14 quarts of decobbed sweet corn into freezer bags . On Sunday I did 15 more quarts. And there are still three rows left standing!
The corn is supersweet and most delicious. Almost dessert-like. There have been a few surprises when some of the cobs have been shucked (a green or brown worm with insect detritous near the end - yuck... although the chickens love it!) but not anymore than usual.... even inspite of planting late. I remind myself that when one grows fruits and vegetables in concert with nature, one must be prepared for a few unpleasant bugs.
I love the aroma in the house when sweet corn is cooking. I also love the satisfaction and joy I feel after putting 29 quarts into the freezer. We will certainly enjoy this bountiful harvest well into the new year.
Have you ever stopped to wonder about the amazing simplicity of it all? Take a look at one of those sweet corn cobs. If left on the cob to dry each one of those kernels could be an entirely new corn plant... each one. Amazing. Jesus pictures us as a kernel... a seed. If left unplanted it remains only a seed... yes, it has potential, but it remains only a seed, a single seed, nonetheless. But if planted.... if buried (as if dead), if covered in soil and watered... a miracle occurs.... a small sprout life emerges.... abundant life erupts. It sometimes seems counterintuitive to me how the Lord asks me to do certain things. Like choosing to die to self, turning the other cheek, loving your enemies. But the fruit is plain to see for those who obey. There truly is "joy in the journey and freedom for those who obey." Teach me today Lord to embrace Your promise of life...beautiful and sweet.
Today's journey joy - Abundant life
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