Monday, September 15, 2008

Generous Neighbors

How can one describe the generosity of a friendly neighbor? All too often today people don't even know their neighbors... not even their names. I am grateful that we live next to a wonderful couple. From the day we moved in to our little farm next to theirs they have been so friendly, supportive and generous. They have been blessed with having a farm that has mature cherry and apple trees... bunches of them. She is passionate about orcharding in a natural, pesticide-free manner (sound familiar?). Two years ago they offered us an opportunity to pick apples.... we picked bushels and bushels. In fact we made 50 quarts of applesauce that year! This year the apples are plentiful again... and once again our generous and kind neighbors have given us apples.

The children are older now... two years ago when we were picking apples, my young son decided he would try tree climbing.... a new adventure for one who didn't like to get up on the top bunk of his double bed. He had a great time climbing the branches of the old apple trees and "bending" down the branches for us to pick. It gave him confidence and a sense of adventure. This year he was more helpful in the actual picking (and eating). I think he actually enjoyed himself. These apples are Ruby Reds... sweet and somewhat crunchy. We picked several bucket fulls. And once again made apple sauce. I think we have canned about 14 quarts so far.

Another reason why I enjoy picking apples from our generous neighbor... the company. I love listening to her stories, her love for the farm, the livestock and her gardens. Perhaps one day I'll take pictures of her flower gardens. Our bees frequent them often. Good for us and our honey (and of course we share!). The company is not always human though. We are often visited by flying insects (mostly bumble bees), flies, butterflies, birds and, as you can see below, a very friendly older horse. This is my neighbor's horse "Rocky". He's a wonderful and friendly horse (it is said that pets resemble their "master's"personality.... I'd say that is true here). He enjoys the apples as much as we do. Rocky handles well and even lets my unpredictable daughter pet him. She adores Rocky. Of course we have to get a horse too (according to my daughter). Perhaps.... in the future... but I'll have to get my neighbor to teach me about caring for one. I've only ridden horses... never taken care of one.

So I'm thinking today about the great joy I have in sharing and experiencing the bounty of summer fruits. I seem to be at a loss for words. It is difficult to communicate the warm pleasant feeling.... sort of like... well, like.... warm cinnamon apple sauce.

Today's journey joy: Generous and Kind Neighbors


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...