Thursday, March 6, 2014

Products, Pad Thai, and Friends

I tried to get “the product” today… that is, the wig to cover this poor cold balding head.  Bits and pieces of short little hairs still clinging to the scalp.  Fewer and fewer every day.  Sure makes shampooing easier. However, if any breeze blows over the scalp, whether inside or out….brrrr chilly. It would make the hairs of one's head stand….if I had any that is.

The “product” fit nicely and felt good.  Unfortunately it was way, way too blonde.  Almost bleached blonde.  I looked sick.  Felt a little sick too.  We tried on a different color.  Too much red.  Washed me out.  Found one that I think will be good. The color actually reminds me of a lighter version of my youngest sister’s hair color… well, before she started coloring.  So now Laurie, the nice wig lady, is ordering a new color of the wig I like and it should be here next week some time.  Another opportunity to spend time with my friend Debi. I don't know whether to be disappointed that I didn't get the wig today or simply celebrate that I had a great time with Debi and that I have another "excuse" to get together again. I think I will celebrate.

We had great conversations over shrimp pad thai and beef stroganoff.  I loved hearing her passion for servant leadership and for empowering others to serve.  Of serving others by teaching and leading.  Not by micromanaging but by building and instilling abilities (capabilities?) into the lives of those whom she serves. She is truly a gifted and amazing woman.  I love rubbing shoulders with the likes of her!

And more blessings!  Burt, a coworker of Farmer Husband Gary, made us this amazing lasagna soup for supper.  Spicy pork sausage, vegetables, tomatoes, and topped with provolone and mozzarella cheeses.  Oh! How scrumptious!  I can’t begin to communicate what a huge gift his meals have meant to me.  Although I think my family may never eat my cooking again! 

Today’s Journey Joys: sparkly jewelry, melting snow, black birds bravely sneaking food from the cat bowl, Debi’s laugh, and more rainbow promises on the wall – a reflection from who knows where?


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...