Thursday, February 6, 2014


Well it is happening.  I was hoping, just hoping, that it might not.  So what that the literature says 96% of folks on taxol lose their hair........ but it's been hanging on now for over four weeks since the first treatment........and I was hoping.... hoping somehow to hang on to those hairs....

I ran my fingers through my hair in the shower today.  When I did I looked at my hands.... and there they were.  The first strands of hair.  Then more.  And still more.  By the time I was done showering I had to clean out the drain in order for the water to circle down.

Don't get me wrong.... it's not all gone.  And in fact if you didn't know... you'd just think I was having a bad hair day... sort of thinning like. But every time I touch my head, more strands.  And more....and still more.

Strangely upsetting.

Hair.  And hair loss.  Such an outward expression of an inward state.  It's one thing to have a port put in - I can cover that.  To lose weight - a few pounds wouldn't hurt me anyway.  But the hair?  Hmmmm....

A few crocodile tears today....

Today's Journey Joys: warm and comforting showers, bright sunlight on brilliant white snow drifts, apple wood smoke from the outdoor wood burning furnace, errands done, wise husband, blue jays singing, vacuum cleaners for hair loss, a scalp without pain, and grace.... abounding, layer upon layer... of God's amazing grace.

"For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." (John 1:16).


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...