Monday, July 20, 2009

Weeds don't look quite so bad

Buried behind our garage and growing faithfully in front of the (now harvested) garlic is a smattering of perennials.... purple cone flowers, black eye Susan's, Shasta daisies, chamomile....

Normally I weed this patch of flowers often. This year I haven't touched it. But it surprised me nonetheless with splashes of color, fragrance and beauty. You can hear the rumble-bumble buzzing sounds of the bumble bee lazily swooping from bloom to bloom. What a pleasant surprise. Even in the midst of weeds these flowers bloom faithful.

"Bloom where you are planted" the saying goes. It might be more difficult. It might seem impossible. It might even feel like you're choking.... gasping for air.... frustrated in the thick of things pushing for attention, sun and nutrients. But "bloom where you are planted."

It may not be the exact words, but the Bible says something quite similar. "Be content", "Be thankful" "Be joyful". Sounds like an excellent way to travel in the journey....

Today's journey joy: Blooming


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...