It's been almost six months since we got our cute little fluffy day old chicks. They spent (believe it or not) the first twelve weeks of their life in my basement. (Never again.) But we built them a beautiful chicken coop and let them free range all over the farm. Sometimes it's a little inconvenient... they leave their droppings near the door at times. But they sure are fun to watch... they do the funniest things. I think that they think I'm the pied piper. Whenever I'm walking outside they follow me. It's the funniest thing. But in spite of their cuteness and warm welcomes every morning I have been eagerly waiting the arrival of why we got chickens in the first place - eggs. Yesterday my son found our first egg in the chicken coop. He, of course, got to have it for breakfast. He requested a fried egg sandwich (as you can see above). You can't see it but that egg yolk was the brightest yellow orange I've ever seen... almost like a pumpkin. My son said it tasted wonderful. And today we got our second egg (He found that one too). Many more to follow I hope.
Today's journey joy - our first farm fresh egg