Friday, August 29, 2008

Teaching Sunsets

"Be exalted, O God above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth." (Psalm 108:5)

School has started again for me. Writing syllabi, course outlines, picking out books, organizing assignments, communicating with sometimes eager students (sometimes weary students... already!), lecturing, dealing with technology, figuring out schedules for car pools and bus rides.... It's been a little dizzying. But I love teaching... I enjoy seeing the student's eyes opened and their lives changed. Sometimes it's like a glimmer of light penetrates their thoughts.... "Oh!.... I never thought about life that way...." or "Aha! That makes sense!" and the flood gates of understanding open wide. I think the small impact my teaching has on my students motivates me. Encourages me. Drives me to be the best person I can be... to demonstrate to them what a whole being is. Role model what it means to be a social, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual being. And integrate these "facets of being" into a living diamond. Needless to say, I am not the gem cutter. Even in my own life I cannot be made whole (or beautiful) without the Master's expert and gentle hands molding (or striking?) me. Neither can my students. But last year one of my students (who had been struggling) wrote me a note. "Chris, I want to be just like you. You are my role model. Thank you." Needless to say, it has stuck with me (I get plenty of other, sometimes not so encouraging comments too). I needed that and I remind myself that I have made a difference in at least one person's life... helped her see the diamond in the rough.

When was the last time I said to my Teacher "I want to be just like You"? I have gotten weary with busyness and tediosity. Short sighted. Crisis driven. And self centered.

But look at that sky above. My son took the photo last evening. It was the first beautiful sunset in many weeks. But it touched my heart. It was if God was saying, "I am here... remember"

O, Lord, may my life's prayer be "I want to be just like You". Thank you for reminding me that You are the Master gem cutter.... making me into a beautiful diamond.


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...