Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peeking Out

It was a warm, sunny early spring day. The winter bees were collecting pollen. The robins were searching for worms. Our tom cat was searching for girl cats.

I spotted this brave little strawberry plant outside of the straw mulch. Most of its friends were still tucked under the straw... waiting for the infamous day...the expected last freeze date (April 15th). It is then that I will gently uncover the the rows of strawberries and encourage them to grow.

But this little guy? He may make it. But it is hard for one to thrive without support. True for me as well.

I am thankful today for "my support"....the best husband on the planet, wonderful healthy and growing children, faithful and encouraging friends, faithful and passion-driven coworkers, a caring supportive church family, and eternal hope. With such support... well, I should weather spring's unpredictability. And hopefully..... well, hopefully, bear some juicy sweet fruit when the weather warms.

Today's Journey Joy - support


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...