Wednesday, June 22, 2011


When January 1st, 2011 rolled aorund, I, like many other well meaning and hopeful people, chose a special word for the year.  A dream and desire that would encapsulate and embed the year.  A word that would illustrate and focus the events and characters of our lives. 

I knew "my word" right away.... I didn't have to think hard or struggle to discern the perfect one.


Beauty would be my word for 2011.  Beauty would be my prayer, my desire, my hope, my journey.  Beauty would typify my decisions, my thoughts and my actions.  Beauty found in the home, the farm, the animals.  In my vocation, in ministry, in music.  Beauty in marriage; beauty in mothering.  Beauty found in speech, beauty found in motion, beauty found within.

June is almost done.  The longest daylight has passed.

And I am no closer to beauty than the north pole is to the south.

Today's Journey Joy - The quest is yet unfinished....


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...