Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snow reminds me of growth. "Growth?" you say.  "How can anything grow in snow?"  But it is true. The deep white heavy snow brings renewal.  Yes, there is rest.  And I'm happy for it.  But growth occurs in wintertime.

Without rest roots do not push deeper.  Without rest the fine feathers of bramble, blueberry and strawberry roots do not penetrate and absorb essential nutrients.  Without rest many fruiting trees and flowers would not bloom.  We all need rest.  Rest to grow.

Snow.  Purest white in nature.  Cleansing. Renewing.  Restful.  

In my life I too must rest.  Yet, "underneath" I am preparing, deepening, stretching, yearning... Spring will come when the embodiment of all that winter growth is released.  So today I ponder. I dream. I drink up possibilities, nibble on potentials, and feast on Truth.  It's a nourishing time.  A restful time.  A growing time.

Today's Journey Joy - growing in snow


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...