Friday, April 24, 2009

Hard Working Boy

Peat moss everywhere. Box knife in hand. 600 bales to open. Only a mommy and a daddy to help. At first this growing boy was reluctant... the task was so big... and there were so many other things (in particular, computer programming) to do. But we needed him to help. The truck with the plants was to arrive in only a few hours.

He worked hard. He worked fast. He worked creatively. Slice this way, slice that way. Slice six ways. Slice four ways. Collect plastic peat moss bags flying over the field. Run up and down the rows. Jump up and down with excitement.

After many, many hours, I believe this young boy learned a lot about the intrinsic value of a good days work. He had fun.

Today's Journey Joy: my son


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...