Thursday, October 16, 2008


Before we got Mr. Rooster this spring I thought that roosters only crowed in the morning. You know, "sun's a-rising and rooster's a-crowin'?" Ha! Not so. Maybe Mr. Rooster is different from other roosters... but he crows whenever the feeling comes. He does crow in the morning... a nice wake-up call and reminder to his "harem" that the day is just beginning and that they are "his." I open the chicken house at around 7:00 am... right before the kids and I go off to school. All the chickens and Mr. Rooster come charging out anticipating a day of roaming and scavenging. Moments after escaping from their hutch, he's off and crowing. It's quite nice. Calms my soul and puts life in perspective. It sure is wonderful when there are things in life that are pleasantly predictable. Mr. Rooster's crowin' is one of those pleasantries.
Unfortunately for my two children Mr. Rooster thinks that moving people (especially children and any handy man that might come around) are fair game for showing off his prowess. He fluffs right up and jumps a little and then charges. If he's close enough he'll jump about two feet off the ground and kind of head butt you. Occasionally he'll use his talons to scratch... that's what the children don't like... well...and the fact that something is chasing them and intent on hurting them.
My son has a system down now. Whenever he goes outside and Mr. Rooster is free ranging, my son will take his super soaker. If Mr. Rooster charges Mr. Rooster gets a good water soaking. Poor Mr. Rooster is not very pretty all wet... in fact I think he's a little embarrassed. He struts away, shakes his feathers and.... yes, you guessed it.... crows. Always trying to be the ruler of the chicken yard (even if he was defeated and looking quite silly).
I wonder how often I crow? I don't mean just raising my voice... I mean, how often do I attempt to assert my "prowess," my authority, my rule... like Mr. Rooster? Pretty silly looking he is all wet and defeated. Pretty silly looking I am. Do I talk big? Exaggerate? Try to make myself bigger and better than I am? Hmmm.... today I am reminded that there is only one Lord. And I am not Him.
Lord help me to know myself well enough to be humble in spirit, words and actions today. Give me a good soaking when I'm "crowing."
Today's Journey Joy: Crowing roosters


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...