Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sun dogs and Sunrises

Photo taken by a Quad City viewer
Sun dogs. Bitter cold.  So cold that the little water vapor in the air crystallizes and reflects the spectrum of light from the dazzling sun.

Thankfully that was a couple of days ago and this morning the thermometer reads 26 degrees.  There is a deep fire orange and red sunrise.  The 15+ mph winds from the south are strong, but at least not cutting.  A promise of snow this afternoon.

I rejoiced last evening driving the children home.  It was after 5 o'clock and "yes!", the sun was still up!  I think we are almost at 10 hours of daylight.  Whew!  Almost time to start the tomatoes and peppers.  And in early March I can put a couple rows of lettuce and spinach in the hoop house. It will be so pleasant to have fresh greens.

Today's Journey Joys: glorious sunrise, squishy snow on the driveway, banana wheat breakfast muffins, smooth hazelnut coffee, a hot refreshing shower,  hair still clinging to the head, Ben's braces coming off today!


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...