I’m cold. Always cold….well,
except for when the heat burns from within, rushing to the skin in a flash of
overwhelming warmth. Hot flashes. Most interesting sensation. Occurs within seconds. Lasts minutes. And leaves my skin damp and red. Most unusual.
Happens mostly at night, which is unfortunate because it often wakes me
up. Fling the covers off; then fling
them back on a few minutes later. Roll
over. Go back to sleep. One of the side effects of chemo I s'pose.
Forgive me my dear menopausal friends for ever laughing when
your skin turned red and dark and the sweat came off your brow. When you grabbed a fan, or made one with your
hand, in an attempt to cool yourself. Forgive me. I was a fool. I did not know how most unpleasant those
sensations were.
This winter has been oh-so-cold. A record snow fall and more coming this
weekend. Polar vortex. How do our Canadian friends stand this cold? They must be made of sturdier stuff than this
former Wisconsin native. But at least
the sky is sunny. The daylight is
longer. The geese are returning
(although I’m not sure why given the -4 morning temperature today. Where do they land?). And we are snuggled up in a cozy warm home. And
most exciting of all, I will start the tomatoes and peppers this weekend. Look out Spring!
Today’s Journey Joys: bee’s wax melting in the make-shift
light bulb melter, medications to soothe queasiness, son’s dramatic practice,
Ally-girl full of giggles and surprise, soft, thick flannel sheets, oh-so-cozy, and Frosty the cat with giant meows.