Green string, purple burgundyy, Italian romano, four different types of dry beans, red lettuce, radishes, kohlrabi, sweet corn, muskmelon, cucumbers, zinnias, four different kinds of potatoes and three varieties of onions, sunflowers, marigolds, summer and autumn squash, pumpkins (>2000 seeds with various sizes), broccoli, cauliflower, peppers of all kinds, 75 tomato plants of all sorts, and did I mention sweet corn (about an acre and a half)? Also transplanted black raspberries across the road. And weeding the blueberries.... seems like a never ending task.... discouraging. I had hoped the weeds would be fewer this year after we sprayed with a preemergent. Seems to have made no difference. So in 95+ degrees I'm out pulling weeds, determined to make a dent into the field. I won't be able to spray the grass killer until after harvest and that won't be for 6-7 weeks. So I must get ahead of the grass and weeds and take back the blueberries once again.
We have 17 red bourbon heritage turkeys this year and also 10 chocolate colored egg layers to add to our assortment of egg colors. The turkeys are still cooped up until I have the right fence. I put up an electric mesh fence but the holes were too big and they escaped (yes, we caught them). So I've ordered a smaller opening fence and hopefully I will be able to put that up this week.
Back to the field....
There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this. Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration. Yet ...
Brrr ... the temperature is plummeting . Winter has arrived. The thermometer fell at 5:24 pm this evening. Throughout the day it was a balm...
Steamy, sticky, muggy and hot August is the usual weather here in Western Illinois, but this year it has been dry and moderate, mostly in...
Teri's tan minivan crunches its way up the snow ice driveway precisely at 9:45. She is my chauffeur. "Are you ready for this?...