Heavy sigh. It is done. The steady collecting of beans, tomatoes, lettuce, and blackberries. The digging of French fingerling, Carola gold and Dark red potatoes. The picking and shelling of delicious yellow popcorn. The extracting of fall honey. The peeling, slicing, drying and grinding of stiff neck garlic powder. It is all completed now.
Early summer found me weeding and planting. But mostly picking scrumptious blueberries. Our first blueberry picking summer ended in about 500 pounds of blueberries. And believe it or not, not a one is found in my freezer. (That will change next year!)
I moved markets this year. I drove across the river (Mississippi) to the big farmers market. There are over 200 vendors there compared to about 15-20 (on a good day) at my previous market. It was a good decision. I met some wonderful folks. Clarence and Barb next to me on the right. Sarah who sold cut flowers in glass vases, Mike and Jayne across the aisle who sold creative jams and jellies, hosta plants and biscotti. The wine folks - Steve and Cindy. And a fellow beekeeper who also sells pickles - Phil. Great folks and now some great friends.
It's almost time to rest. Mowing, spreading of horse and chicken manure, and fence taking-downing. (I don't believe that is a word but it works.) One more final look at the bees and a last feed of old honey. The garlic has been planted (1000 cloves!) and tucked in under 6 inches of dried seedless, marsh grass. The strawberries need a couple more hard freezes and they too shall be tucked under some grass.
It's been a great summer. Soon I will share my lessons learned and hopes for next year.
There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
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