Finals week has ended. I've submitted my semester grades. I've packed the textbooks for the move to the new Health Science Building. My email inbox has ceased flurrying. I almost feel lazy.
Yes, there is still much that can be done. Committee work mostly. And 2 full days of meetings which rarely serve any productivity.
Ah...but I got a call from a lady 20 miles south of me who says, "There is a swarm of bees in my garage!" I respond, "Oh, how exciting!" To which she thought I was probably nuts. Apparently they have been making a home in a bucket that used to have sunflowers in it. They somehow got the bucket out of their garage but want the bees gone. Can't say that I blame them. i wouldn't want bees in my garage either. So later this evening I will happily go fetch this "bucket" of bees. I sure do like it when swarms are on the ground!
Two more rows of weedy blueberries and we will be ahead o the weed game. But then the fun begins... the rest of the garden... potatoes are up, broccoli is growing, some purple beans are up and growing, peas are flowering, radishes are...radishing? The cucumber plants in my basement are beginning to flower....Yikes! Time to go outside. Weather permitting the basement green house" will be shut down this weekend. But there is so much to do:
1. The local Popular Astronomy Club is coming out on Saturday for a picnic and viewing through their observatory telescope.
2. The fields need plowing... some for the first time. Popcorn, Indian corn, pumpkins, squash, melons, beans, peppers, herbs, and tons more needs to be planted.
3. The spring honey is ready for harvest.
4. Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Will I ever sell these 600 flowering plants?
5. And those two rows of blueberries.....
Hopefully.... a farmer is always hopeful..... it will all get done. It's good to be hopeful.
But I must get back to business.... Three more days and then it's summer vacation!
There is a joy in the journey. There is a Light we can love on the way. There is a wonder and wildness to life and freedom for all who obey. (Michael Card)
I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this. Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration. Yet ...
Brrr ... the temperature is plummeting . Winter has arrived. The thermometer fell at 5:24 pm this evening. Throughout the day it was a balm...
Steamy, sticky, muggy and hot August is the usual weather here in Western Illinois, but this year it has been dry and moderate, mostly in...
Teri's tan minivan crunches its way up the snow ice driveway precisely at 9:45. She is my chauffeur. "Are you ready for this?...