Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cleaned through the Fire

Cold and windy. Blustery and gray. Dry crackling leaves. Crunchy remains of trees. Coals warm and red. The dance of the flame. The laughter of those dancing around the heat.

Winter begins.

And so starts the cold. The branches gathered throughout the summer and into the autumn chill are stacked skyscraper-ish and lit with glowing embers of wooden coals. "Snap!" "Pop!" "Crack!" "Whoosh!" sing the flames. And the heat radiates and warms our faces.

In the cold and beginning of winter I am reminded that there is One who always warms us. When my heart is cold and wind tossed the Artist creates a palate of warmth and love. Remember the warmth my friends. Remember the love.

When the cold winds blow in this season of rest remember it is He Who keeps us.

Journey Joy - warmth


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...