Monday, April 20, 2009

Making of a Blueberry Field (Part II)

I last wrote about our preparations for the new blueberry field. But alas, I didn't describe the planting. When I last wrote I don't think I had even taken any photos of the process. I almost didn't get any either. Every spare minute was planting. Monday I planted 60 blueberries between rain drops. Tuesday I planted 180 plants. Wednesday another 180 plants (give or take a few). Thursday I only planted 120 plants (I had a Farmer's Market Association meeting). But on Friday both my husband and I were home in the morning. We finished planting them all. There were about 20 extra plants in the many bundles of bushes so all in all we planted about 1220 blueberry plants. On Friday, at about 11:30, I remembered that I hadn't taken a picture. So quick! Out with the camera for the "staged" planting.

First, my husband would dig a small hole and then gently place the plant in the hole while spreading out the roots.

Next, he would mound up the peat moss / soil mixture high around the planting.

Then I would come after him and deliberately, but gently, firm the soil around the plants with my boots. I would go around the plants in a little circle making sure that there were no pockets or depressions that might trap air or water.

And then, finally, it was done. All the blueberries were planted. I had to go to work for a long meeting but my wonderful husband stayed and watered all 500 that we had planted that morning.

Yesterday, it rained and rained and rained. Thankfully we will not have to water for at least a week or two. But as soon as the soil can hold up the tractor we will be mulching the soil in the rows. The mulch has been sitting in great big piles for a year or two. Should be a great cover.

Today's Journey Joy: Blueberries planted!


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...