Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Morning Snow

We are greeted today with wet fluffy beautiful snow. The weatherman says that the winds will soon blow and howl. But for now the snow drifts softly onto the branches, piling high. It is a lovely site. Especially from the warmth of our home.

Katie, our English Shepherd, wants to know why I don't play. Ah, my dear, chores await me. The usual morning chicken feeding, cat loving and puppy (yes, you Katie) petting are calling. Today the chickens get the broken Christmas cookies and the scraps from last evening's dinner. Also the fire needs pulling forward, dishes need washing, children need bathing. During the day we will be preparing for the festivities. Christmas Eve service. Practicing the flute duet. Wrapping the last presents. Packing for our trip to grandpa's home in Wisconsin. Time to play will have to wait my dear puppy. In the meantime play with your brother Kapow. Roll in the snow and frolic over the drifts. Catch snowflakes on your tongue. I will watch periodically and enjoy your wonder of life.

Today's journey joy: Playful snow


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...