Monday, September 19, 2016

Capturing the Beautiful

Today's Journey Joys: early autumn warmth sustaining the colors, safe and restful trip there and back to Indianapolis with warm reception of presentation, munching cotton candy grapes,  popcorn drying in the field, surprise weeds with deep purple flowers, honey bees on golden rod, huge orange pumpkins and pie pumpkins waiting to be made into yummy delights, even more flowers in bloom.... O, the sweetness in blessings noticed!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Colors of Early Autumn

The colors of autumn are captivating. 

Sometimes called shattercane and sometimes broom corn - they are over twelve feet tall.

Our farm stand filled with color....

The welcoming flower garden.....

Wild flowers among the trees.

Golden rod and purple loose strife.... a naturally occuring beautiful combination.

Sunsets of rose and pinks.....
Today's Journey Joys: maturing chickens, the tweets, clicks, chirps and gobbles of our big tom turkeys, dragon flies fluttering, black birds beginning to gather, orange pumpkins, blackberry plants alive and well under weed cover, chicken and ranch pizza with a small birthday ham and pineapple pizza for Ally's half-a-birthday celebration.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Summer's Heat Returns


Straw flowers - perfect for bouquet or dried arrangements.

White gomphrena

Our tri-colored chrysanthemums beginning to bloom.  Autumn must be right around the corner.

Golden raspberries - sweet.

Pump-ke-mon decorative pumpkins. I love their stripes!

Wild flowers along the hoophouse.

Gourds growing

I can smell the honey!  Time to harvest - yet the thought of dressing up in a bee suit with heat indices over 100 degrees - well, it is just not going to happen.  The honey and bees will have to wait.

Tom turkey strutting his stuff.

Afternoon pecking 
Golden rod.

Kitties in a box.

Even more tri-colored mums.
Today's Journey Joys: A nice southerly breeze in the heat, hydrangea, peony, and hosta transplanting, weeping willow starts in a jar, learning to make bread and butter pickles with our abundance of cucumbers, lettuce starts hanging-in-there in late summer's heat, caramel cinnamon pancakes with new friends.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Random Late Summer Activities

Bi-colored lilies , done for the year.
These keep on blooming!

Tomato hornworm...ugh.  Defoliating my poor cherry tomatoes.  At least the chickens like them!

These guys are just a little over a month old.  Happy in their pasture.
Safe from predators with electric fencing and overhead netting.

Farmer Husband Gary leveling out, moving dirt, and grading the hill so that we can
amend and plant more blueberries in the Spring.
Today's Journey Joys: Sunshine and cooler temperatures! Golden leaves turning, the chirps, whistles and gobbles of our twelve turkeys, grape vines growing, a transplanted hydrangea, harvested leeks, sweet cherry tomatoes and ripening apples.


I shouldn't write when I'm feeling like this.  Emotionally fragile and oscillating between tears, fears, and frustration.  Yet ...